About Hanazono University

About Hanazono University

A PRAYER upon the Dedication of the Auditorium


Upon the Dedication of the Hanazono University Auditorium


THAT we may always perceive the awakened heart equally present in everyone;
THAT we may always seek peace in the world and refrain from the use of violence;
THAT we may always reflect upon ourselves and restrain our selfish desires,
AND THAT we may always seek personal happiness in the way of bringing well-being and harmony to all humankind.

THAT, should someone, misguided in spirit, oppose these things, and violate the dignity of the human being,
We may always possess the courage to resist and rectify such behavior.

THAT, by means of this inexhaustible vow and boundless, deep-rooted faith,
We may in profound compassion adorn all lands and societies;
And THAT, with deep gratitude for having been granted the gift of life,
We may strive to repay the infinite benevolence of the Buddhas and Masters.

Year 2542 of the Buddhist calendar(1999), May 25