Life at Hanazono University

Life at Hanazono University

Campus Life



1. General Scholarship of the Japan Student Services Organization

Who Can Apply

  • Students must be self-supported foreign nationals with a “College Student” visa.
  • Students must not receive remittances of more than 90,000 yen per month.
  • Students must meet grade requirements.


  • Undergraduates / 48,000 yen per month
  • Graduates / 48,000 yen per month

Grant Period

  • 1 year

2. Hanazono University Scholarship Fund

Who Can Apply

  • Self-supported foreign nationals with a good academic record who have trouble pursuing their studies for financial reasons
  • Students must finish their semesters in the shortest required period.
  • Students must obtain “College Student” visa.
  • Students must not receive scholarship of more than 30,000 yen per month from an affiliated organization.
  • As for other types of scholarship, check the bulletin board to apply at the Student Affairs Office.

Club Activities

Japanese archery, tea ceremony, calligraphy, iaidô, traditional Japanese music, international student association, history circle, Kyoto strolling, basketball, badminton, volleyball, etc.

Many students from China, Korea and other countries enroll in Hanazono University. They belong to clubs and enjoy their activities, and also participate in events such as the bazaar held at the university festival.

campusInternational students at the university festival

Special Program for International Students

Each May, international students of our university go on a trip together –– a precious opportunity to visit famous spots and experience Japanese culture.

We made a one-night trip to Mie Prefecture. On the first day, we went to Ise-Jingu Shrine to worship, and spent a night at the hotel looking over a beautiful beach. The students had a good time enjoying swimming in the ocean. On the second day, we visited Toba Aquarium and some other fun and interesting spots. The trip provided the students with a great opportunity to deepen their friendship and unforgettable experiences.
